Saturday, May 10, 2008

Vietnam Dong to Slide Further

In the year-to-date, the Vietnamese Dong has fallen by .7%. That may not seem like much, but since the Dong/Dollar exchange rate is approximately 16,000 to 1, every .1% is meaningful. Unfortunately for Vietnam, analysts are predicting that the Dong will fall further, due to a confluence of factors. First, the Vietnamese stock market is tanking; the 42% decline recorded thus far in 2008 makes it Asia's worst performer and unattractive for foreign investors. The second factor is inflation, which is nearing 20% and is directly eroding the value of the Dong. Finally, there are technical factors, such as rising imports and market sentiment that the Central Bank will hold down the Dong to support the export sector. Bloomberg News reports:

"The key concerns are that inflation and excessive domestic growth have been allowed to persist. Those pressures have flipped from dong positive to dong negative.''

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